A lot of people ask for mail reports in https://www.elastic.co/products/kibana but this feature does not exist. At least not in the oss version. As i also had these requirement for an OTRS installation and don’t wanted to use expensive software like Skedler, i decided to create an own solution.
It depends on PhantomJS, which can be found on http://phantomjs.org/. PhantomJS is a headless WebKit browser scriptable with a JavaScript API. So you’re able to browse (Kibana) websites and save them to JPG. These JPGs can be send via mail easily.
First of all you have to get a PhantomJS binary somewhere. If you want to build it yourself follow instructions of http://phantomjs.org/build.html.
Now get the mail report scripts from my GitHub page. You can find everything here: https://github.com/monotek/kibana-mailreports
You have to edit the kibana-mailreports.sh and urls.conf files to get it work. The urls.conf is the file which defines the reports, which are send to the mail adresses you want. Columns are separated by “;;;”. It will loook like:
- your@mail.com;;;OTRS-Reports;;;1w/w;;;Postmaster*;;;1920*1500px;;;last week
The fields are:
- Mail address where report is send to
- Kibana dashboard which should be used
- Time interval of the report
- Search string in Kibana dashboard
- Resolution of JPG
- Human readable time string for use in the report mail
You can run the kibana-mailreports.sh script manually to check if everything works. If so just create the following cronjob, which triggers this weekly.
- @weekly root /opt/kibana-mailreports/kibana-mailreports.sh 2>&1 > /var/tmp/kibana-mailreports.log
Thats it. Have fun getting weekly mail reports from Kibana! :-)